Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Elements Of A Perfect Blog Post


A blog post is the most practical, useful, and fast way to attract customers to your website, increase traffic, higher SEO rankings, promote your product, and make your potential customers purchase it. However, writing an attractive blog post is not an easy task; if your blog content is no less than perfect, no one will read it.

But don’t worry, Hire SEO Freelancer will reveal the secret formula to you to write that perfect blog. This formula is not so secret anymore.

Elements of an exceptional blog post

Let’s tell you how you can write the blog posts that stand out from the rest. The content writers at our SEO Service Company use this method, so you can even rely on us for your blog and SEO Work.

The number of outside links

It matters more than the length of your content. These links redirect the customers to the product website page that you are promoting. It could be your website, another related blog post, or your client’s website.

The number of these links should neither be fewer nor many because, in both cases, your user will not click. An essential thing to remember is that these links should be with the flow of the content, for example, in a sentence that provokes your customer to buy your product or services.

Keywords in subheadings impact rankings

It’s a pretty specific point because keywords blended in the subheadings don’t interrupt the flow of your content. You should know that your readers will not read your post any further after getting interrupted in the flow.

So to make engaging content try to include some keywords in the subheadings to improve your SEO ranking. Also, don’t stuff too many keywords into your post, or it will look like you are making an exaggerated advertisement.

Targeted keywords are good

Using keywords directly related to your audiences’ preferences will help you get more and more traffic. For example, some beginners might tell you to write a blog post and thoughtlessly publish it.

But if your readers are not searching for what you wrote, then it’s a waste of your time and money. So hire SEO Freelancer advice to listen to SEO Consultants rather than someone who does not know this field.

Your post should hook your readers from the start

This point is similar to a novel. The best part of a best-selling novel is that you get stuck to it from the very first sentence. The same theory goes for blog posts.

If users are bouncing off your post, your post is uninteresting, getting you lower page rankings. A tip here would be to read other blog posts to get an idea for your content and make it even better than others.

Make your blog post look shorter

Humans these days love to read short & sweet content, but google wants longer content, so how do we achieve both? We can’t. However, we can make our blog posts look short by putting in bullet points, subtitles, and more extensive paragraphs at the beginning only, and viola, you have satisfied your users as well as Google baba.

Some more elements for an excellent blog post

       Use target keywords that you can find using various online tools.

       Include images and videos in the beginning.

       Use bold or more significant text at the start, for example, an outrageous question.

       Use bullet points.

       Your keywords should feel natural.

       Your images’ names should include the keywords with alt and image descriptions.

       Use supportive examples and critical issues.

       Your post should answer all of your users’ queries.

       Please include a short link in your post that your users can use to share it.